Autism Association of WA: Introduction to School Age Therapy

Additional Support for Your Family The School Age Therapy Service is just one of the Autism Association’s wide range of services available. Your Therapist can help you to link in with any of the other services you may require and can support by collaborating and consulting with the different people involved in your child’s care. Some of the options that are available to you and your family include:

17 | Introduction to School Age Therapy

Advice and Consultancy

We are here to help! Our Autism Advisors are available to anyone wanting more information about Autism; including diagnostic pathways, funding options, therapy and support services available from the Autism Association of WA and the general community.

Autism Diagnosis

Comprehensive Autism diagnosis is available for individuals age 2 to 30 years through the Autism Association’s Autism Diagnostic Clinic. Our Clinic offers a timely and cost effective diagnostic service.

Support in Early Childhood Our First Steps for Autism Team deliver Autism specifc, intensive early intervention therapy to children age up to 7 years. Therapy is tailored to meet the individual needs of each child and their family. In addition, our First Steps Autism Day Care provides long day care for children with Autism, or those going through the diagnostic process, age 2 to 5. Short Breaks (Respite) Our Short Breaks homes provide a home away from home for children and adolescents with Autism age 6 to 18 years old. Children are provided the chance to stay over and spend the weekend or holiday breaks, doing the things they enjoy. Children are carefully matched based on their age, gender, and support needs to ensure each child enjoys their stay. Community Support Our Individual Options Team provide tailored, flexible support options to people with Autism to achieve outcomes in a range of areas including recreation, leisure, personal independence, community participation, social skills and more!

Support for Adults We have a range of services for adults with Autism including diagnosis, therapy services, social skills groups, accomodation support, transition into adult life, employment support, support to access the community and more!

Community Inclusion Initiatives We are continuously working to create a community where people with Autism are understood, accepted and celebrated. Some of these initiatives include: - Autism in Cricket : supporting people with Autism to get involved in the cricketing community. - Autism Heroes : resources for teachers to teach primary school students about Autism. | Registered NDIS Provider

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