Autism Association Annual Report 2023

In Conclusion

The past 12 months have been a significant year in services to individuals and families, in undertaking advocacy and in working to create a better community for all. Despite the challenges of workforce shortages and the post-pandemic environment, we continued to deliver high quality services, engage with our community and undertake significant initiatives in preparation for future growth. We look forward to the coming year, working with individuals, families, and other stakeholders to break down barriers and increase life opportunities for people with Autism in our community. I would like to thank and acknowledge the valuable contribution of many stakeholders, including the State Government through the Department of Communities, and Commonwealth agencies including the Department of Social Services and the Department of Education and Training. I would once again like to acknowledge the dedicated work of the Board, chaired by Dr Rob Storer, and the staff at the Autism Association for their dedication and significant work during the year. As we move into the year ahead, we look forward to continuing to learn from those we support and working to build an inclusive community where each person is valued for their uniqueness.

Joan McKenna Kerr Chief Executive Officer

Autism Association of Western Australia - Annual Report 2023


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