Autism Association Annual Report 2023
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We are a community of many unique individuals and April is all about acknowledging the strengths, achievements and uniqueness of people with Autism. Throughout the month of April, we recognised World Autism Month, World Autism Week and World Autism Day on the 2 nd of April. This year’s theme, Learn Together. Grow Together , built upon last year’s theme to Listen, Understand and Empower . The handprint tree was a central part of this campaign, designed to reflect the unique handprint each individual has on our community. World Autism Month in 2023 included a web page containing resources, information, activities and opportunities to get involved throughout the month. It included school and fundraising packs, downloadable resources and social media tiles for sharing online. We also held our annual Light up the Spectrum photo trail. There was also a competition for individuals with Autism and their families to share their insights, views and messages with the wider community. We asked people to finish the sentence: What I wish people knew about Autism so we can grow together is... We received a large number of responses with many unique insights to build understanding and ignite change.
Autism Association of Western Australia - Annual Report 2023
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