Autism Association 2024 Annual Report
For Children
First Steps for Autism
School Age Therapy
The First Steps for Autism Early Intervention program provides multidisciplinary therapy for children up to 7 years of age, and is based on a wide body of up-to-date international research. Our experienced clinical team includes speech pathologists, psychologists, occupational therapists, and early childhood educators. Each family is assigned a lead therapist who partners with them to develop individual intervention plans that are tailored to the needs of each child. The aim of the program is to maximise child development, including supporting the child to transition to preschool, school and other mainstream settings.
The School Age service provides a comprehensive range of intervention, therapy and support to school-aged children between 8 and 17 years of age. Our multidisciplinary team of speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers and teachers, work together to respond to the needs of each individual and their family. Our service is person and family centred. Our therapists work collaboratively with families, schools, and other community services to maximise the educational and social progress of each child.
Short Breaks (Respite)
Positive Behaviour Support
Short Breaks provides a home away from home, where a small group of children 6 to 18 years old, can stay on weekends or school holidays to do the things they enjoy, explore friendships and build confidence and independence. Short Breaks are provided in a range of ways, either at one of our homes in the Perth metropolitan area, at the child’s own home or through our community support programs. All children and young people are matched by age and interests.
The Positive Behaviour Support program supports individuals who need additional assistance in this area. These supports focus on developing a thorough understanding of the relationship between the individual’s ability to navigate their environment and the support they need to succeed. The program is delivered by an experienced multidisciplinary team.
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