Autism Association 2024 Annual Report
Through these relationships, we worked to create greater understanding of Autism, and more opportunities for Autistic individuals and their families to take part in local recreational, leisure and community events and activities. We continued to provide advice, education and consultancy to our community supporters and hosted a number of events. Quiet Tuesdays at the Art Gallery of Western Australia are now in their fourth year. Quiet Tuesdays are designed to provide a quiet, low sensory experience for individuals to view the State Art Collection when the gallery is closed to the general public. WA Museum Boola Bardip introduced Quiet Mornings to provide greater opportunities for individuals to visit the Museum all year round. At our Scitech Sensory Session, 170 science enthusiasts explored the Scitech Science Centre and Science Theatre Show, enjoying special after-hours access and experiencing the low-sensory adaptations at their leisure. We continued our close collaboration with Ocean Heroes, delivering training to their volunteer team who support Autistic individuals to learn to surf. Families were welcomed to attend the Royal Show before its official opening for a quieter, less overwhelming experience, thanks to the Royal Agricultural Society of WA. In partnership with RAC Arena, individuals had opportunities to attend concerts and sporting events throughout the year. In addition, we continued our work as part of the Perth Airport Access and Inclusion Panel and the METRONET Access and Inclusion Reference Group to create better travel experiences for all. We also provided consultancy and advice to the Town of Victoria Park in the design of their new community space at Edward Millen Park. This year was our eigth festive season of Sensitive Santa sessions, with 380 children and families visiting Sensitive Santa at metropolitan shopping centres. For many families, these Sensitive Santa sessions provide the opportunity for their first family photo with Santa, in a quiet environment before shops are open to the public. We are pleased to see this becoming an annual tradition. Our Inclusive Communities program, with support from the Department of Communities, has developed an online community inclusion training program. This will support organisations, businesses, and venues to create inclusive spaces, by providing an understanding of Autism and strategies to facilitate participation and inclusion across different spaces and environments. Over the last 12 months, we have continued to build relationships with local organisations and businesses to establish more inclusive communities across Western Australia.
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