Autism Association 2024 Annual Report

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder* is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts on child development in a number of key areas, including communication, social interaction, and repetitive patterns of behaviour. Autism is frequently associated with sensory sensitivities and sensory processing difficulties. While Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex, lifelong developmental disability, with appropriate intervention, children and adults with Autism can make significant progress and live fulfilling lives. Consequently, it is imperative that Autistic individuals have access to specialist services that understand their needs and are experienced in developing their skills and strengths. This report uses both person-first language (“person with Autism” or “person on the Autism Spectrum”), and identity-first language (“Autistic person”) in recognition of the different preferences around language in the Autism community. *For ease of use, the term ‘Autism’ will be used throughout this report to refer to Autism Spectrum Disorder.


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