Autism Association 2024 Annual Report

Stephen’s Story

Stephen moved into his first home with the Autism Association 6 years ago. Finding a home that was suited to Stephen’s needs, where he felt safe and happy, was a priority to his family, as it is to all families. Care and time went into working with Stephen and his family to find the right home and support team, making the required adjustments along the way. Getting out and about in the community is extremely important to Stephen. He lights up when he is outside and enjoys being active, whether he is swimming, running, or exploring nature. Over the past 12 months, Stephen has tried a number of new things, including travelling to venues around Perth on public transport with his support staff, going to shows, attending festivals in the city, and more! Spending time with his parents and grandparents is important to Stephen and his family, and this is built into all planning. Stephen looks forward to family picnics and shares his excitement with his team in the days leading up to seeing his family. Since the day he moved in, Stephen has had the same support team, and they have developed a wonderful relationship with one another.


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