Autism Association 2024 Annual Report
to Perth educators, medical professionals, researchers, allied health professionals, Autistic individuals, policy makers, NGOs, and public sector professionals. We plan to make this an important and unforgettable experience for all. I would like to acknowledge and pay thanks to the valuable contribution of many stakeholders, including the State Government through the Department of Communities, and Commonwealth agencies, including the Department of Social Services, Department of Health and Aged Care, Department of Housing and the Department of Education and Training. I would also like to thank Telethon for their support of a number of our valuable programs, and their contribution to West Australian families. I would especially like to acknowledge the dedicated work and support of our Board, led by Dr. Rob Storer, and the staff at the Autism Association for their passionate work and commitment to the individuals and families we support. Thank you also to our donors and the many community organisations, individuals and employers with whom we work, and who make so much possible. Lastly, thank you to the people with Autism and their families who continue to teach us and inspire our work every day. Joan McKenna Kerr Chief Executive Officer
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